
Tourism in Georgia

Tourism in Georgia

Georgia is famous for its charming nature and its natural resources of rivers.

It has many tourist attractions such as historical monuments that date back to the ancient civilizations.

Georgia has  great cities including the capital of Tbilisi and the coastal town of Batumi, overlooking the Black Sea coast

The World Tourism Organization’s 2018 report ranked Georgia as the forth as the world’s most fast-growing tourism destinations.

Georgia stands above France, Spain, and other countries. The number of tourists increased by 27.9% in Georgia.

In 2018 the number of international arrivals in Georgia amounted to 8,679,544, showing an increase of 9.8% year-on-year (y/y).

Of these visitors, 4,756,820 were tourists, which is 16.9% more compared to 2017.

The Georgian National Tourism Administration showed a big interest in implementing a number of projects because it wants to promote Georgia’s touristic potential in 2018.

The GNTA launched a campaign ‘Emotions are Georgia’, which contains a guidebook that includes stories of 7 million visitors.

In the guidebook, visitors shared their experience to help the new tourists discovering this beautiful country.

When we talk about the top tourist places in Georgia, we must mention :

The fortress or fortress of Narikala, which is one of the most important archaeological sites in Georgia, and the second region that recorded the highest tourist attraction in Georgia.

We can’t forget talking about Batumi Boulevard

which is the most important Batumi Gardens along the seashore, surrounded by gardens and palm trees in a breathtaking view.

Tourists consider the air tram in Tbilisi as one of the modern means of transport that the country opened it in Tbilisi in 2012, you’ll find it at a great height above the old city.



مركز الملك ديفيد للأعمال، 12 شارع الكسيدزي، الطابق العاشر، تبليسي، جورجيا

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