
Why is it easy to do business in georgia

Why is it easy to do business in georgia

Georgia had been ranked as the 6th among 190 countries in the ease of doing business.

Throughout the past 6 years, the Government of Georgia has implemented institutional and regulatory reforms.

– Starting a Business

And in 2019 Georgia made starting a business easier by allowing voluntary value added tax registration at the time of business incorporation.

– Getting Electricity

In 2018 Georgia made getting electricity more affordable by reducing connection costs for new customers.

– Dealing with Construction Permit

In 2016 Georgia made dealing with construction permits easier by reducing the time needed for issuing building permits

– Protecting Minority Investors

In 2018 Georgia strengthened minority investor protections by making it easier to sue directors in cases of prejudicial transactions between interested parties, by increasing shareholder rights and role in major corporate decisions and clarifying ownership and control structures.

Registering Property

Also, In 2017 Georgia improved the quality of land administration by increasing coverage of all maps for privately held land plots in the main business city.

– Getting Credit

In 2014 Georgia improved its credit information system by implementing a new law on personal data protection.


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