
Georgia traditions ethics

Georgia traditions ethics

As far as we know that Arabs have a big generosity, Georgians have rules and etiquette in their culture.


The Georgian have a friendly nature, in which there is a statue called (mother of Georgia) that refers to their hospitability.


About the status:

Kartvlis Deda (Mother of Georgia) or  Kartlis Deda which is a statue in Tbilisi, which is a symbol of the city. The sculptor built the status on the top of Sololaki hill in 1958, the year Tbilisi celebrated its 1500th anniversary.

How it designed:

The Georgian sculptor Elguja Amashukeli designed the twenty meters figure of a woman in a Georgian national dress…

She symbolizes the Georgian national character: in her left hand she holds a bowl to greet those who come as visitors, and in her right hand is a sword for those who come as enemies.

Georgian people are helpful:

They are similar to Arabs in their over welcoming guests;

Georgians are offering help to any guest, and they are very generous and if any guest visits their country so they invite them to a lot of kinds of food at their homes, also they go to your house and bring flowers and food.

Most common slogan

Because Georgians always say “guest is a gift from God”, others are stating them as the most friendly and hospitable public in the world, it’s impossible to find racism in which they consider the tourist as one from them, not a normal guest.


If you are a guest and you accepted their invitation so that means you are happy but if you refused to take a gift or eat in their home so that’s means you are feeling bad, their hospitability is to the extent that they celebrate for you.

The Etiquette of Georgians

Regarding rules and ethics;

From the most famous and important traditions in Georgia is that they prevent the kisses and hugs in the public places, this is not considered as freedom like other European countries,


This is considered an unethical attitude and should be private.

About gifts

Giving to each other gifts in Georgia is essential especially to guests and in occasions, it’s not important to wrap it or bring an expensive one because the most important is the idea and the value of gifting.

Friendly nature in Georgia

Greetings are a priority to each other even you know the person or not. These are Georgia traditions and ethics


They are famous for homemade food and they have rare fast food or junk food in their country,

As well they are caring for their health and honor their own food and this return to their origin as an agriculture country in which they have a high quality of food.


 York towers help visitors travel to Georgia and make a free tour to live there and invest safely so they can meet the kind Georgians and cooperate with their traditions easily and stay with them peacefully.


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